Best of antalya

Legends and Legacy: Discovering the Ancient City of Myra

One significant ancient city is Myra. It is situated in Antalya’s Demre neighborhood. The place of the supreme mother goddess is what the name Myra implies. Because Saint Nicholas was the bishop of Myra, the city’s renown endured throughout the Read More

Top Hiking Trails in Antalya: A Guide to Scenic Adventures

Beaches, mountains, valleys, lakes, canyons, and gorgeous protected national parks are just a few of Antalya’s stunning natural features. All of this natural splendor is undoubtedly fantastic hiking terrain. Finding hiking paths, however, is difficult, and there are few online Read More

Top 5 Things to Do in Antalya with Children

It is entirely typical. Children can become bored very easily, so it’s likely that they’ll want to explore and learn about areas that they don’t see at home. Well, Antalya is the ideal location to satisfy their desire for fun Read More

All Records Broken in Antalya Tourism

Antalya Tourism broke an all-time high over the 2023-month span between January and April 4. One million eight hundred and eleven thousand visitors arrived in the city during this time, which is known as the “winter period.” Recep Yavuz, chairman Read More

The Best Activities for Children in Antalya Turkey  

Your children may prefer a different kind of vacation with more excitement and adventure if you plan to spend your entire day in the sun while on vacation in the Antalya Turkey. It is entirely typical! Children can become bored Read More

Tips to Enjoy at Lower Duden Waterfall

Lower Duden Waterfall is perhaps one of the most magnificent natural spectacles to view in the city if you’re searching for a fantastic walk to experience Antalya’s breathtaking surroundings. A special attraction called Lower Düden Waterfall can be found in Read More

Altınbesik Cave flooded with local and foreign visitors

The Altinbesik Cave, also known as the Altinbesik Maaras, is located on the western slope of the precipitous Manavgat Hill, 7 kilometres from Antalya’s Ibradi (Aydinkent) district and 5 km from Urunlu hamlet. The Antalya-Ibradi-Urunlu road leads to Altinbesik Cave Read More

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