Top Hiking Trails in Antalya: A Guide to Scenic Adventures

Beaches, mountains, valleys, lakes, canyons, and gorgeous protected national parks are just a few of Antalya’s stunning natural features. All of this natural splendor is undoubtedly fantastic hiking terrain. Finding hiking paths, however, is difficult, and there are few online resources. We wrote this hiking guide for the hiking trails in Antalya. You can use it to identify the greatest hiking path locations and complete information about them.

Top Hiking Trails in Antalya A Guide to Scenic Adventures

Yanartaş Chimaira

A millennia-old natural phenomenon may be seen close to ral, around 70 kilometers southwest of Antalya. The “eternal fires of Chimaira” are flames that occasionally erupt from the rocky mountaintop.

The fire fields are situated 250 meters above the coastline, 2 kilometers from the ocean. The first flames are 30 minutes away from the café, and the last flames on the hill are around 60 minutes away.

Termessos Ancient Ruins

A trip to the ancient ruins of Termessos at the base of Mount Solymos is a must-do activity close to Antalya. In his Iliad, which tells the tale of Troy, Homer described the Solymans as valiant warriors.

Alexander the Great was unable to take this mountain city by siege. He didn’t want to make an eagle’s nest the price for his army. At 1,500 meters above sea level in Termessos National Park, Turkey’s “Machu Piccu” is now a fantastic place to hike for an hour.

Lycian Way

Cultural pathways are hiking trails that retrace historic trade routes or well-known explorers’ itineraries. For experienced hikers, the most well-known route is the 509-kilometer Likya Yolu, which connects Fethiye and Antalya.

The trail passes by attractions including the ruins of the Xanthos, Myra, and the cliffs on the Lycian Coast on the way to Antalya, which are all included as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

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St. Paul Trail

Another cultural path with challenging and exhausting stretches is the St. Paul Trail. With a length of 500 kilometers, it is regarded as Turkey’s second-oldest hiking route.

It starts in Perge, 10 kilometers east of Antalya, and travels in the apostle Paul’s footsteps to the historic city of Antioch near Yalvaç, northeast of Lake Eirdir. The trail ascends to a maximum altitude of 2,200 meters. There are sections that can be hiked.

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