Echoes of the Earth: A Tale of Discovery in Dim Cave

With a temperature of 18 degrees, the Dim Cave in the Alanya region of ANTALYA, which contains stalactite, stalagmite, and travertine formations, has become a well-liked destination for travellers throughout the summer.

There are travertine, stalactite, and stalagmite formations in the Dim Cave, which is 11 km from Alanya and on the western side of the 1691-meter-high Cebireis Mountain. There is a small lake with a water surface area of 200 square metres at the end of the cave, which is 17 metres deeper than the entrance. There are four galleries in Dim Cave, the second-largest cave in Turkey that is open to tourists.

Echoes of the Earth A Tale of Discovery in Dim Cave

The cave is 232 metres above sea level and has a length of 50 metres, 310 on one side, and 360 on the other. Before it was made accessible to tourists, the cave—part of which was utilised by people in ancient and historical times as a living space—was occasionally thought of as a goat refuge.

Tourists frequently visit the cave, where the temperature is 18 degrees, particularly during the summer. As the only cave in Turkey to join the famous International Association of Caves Open to Tourism (ISCA), Dim Cave holds the distinction.

The cave receives about a large number of visitors each day; it welcomed 147,500 visitors last year. Dim Cave, a favourite of outdoor enthusiasts and those who enjoy the great outdoors, provides its visitors with the chance to enjoy the view of Alanya from the social amenities located nearby.

14 Days Turkey and Greece tour

The cave, which was made accessible to the public in 1999, is one of the natural resources that must be safeguarded, according to Dim Cave Operations Manager and Geological Engineer Murat Ünal. Ünal explained that one of the most recent global trends is for people to visit caves:

“Cave tourism is significant around the world. Even though Turkey is a young country in this aspect, some caverns, like Damlataş Cave, have been in use for a very long time. The operation of some caves dates back 400–500 years. The International Association of Caves Open to Tourism has Dim Cave on its list of approved members. Dim Cave is a must-see for everyone interested in cave tourism.”

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