Nature Lovers Converged to Adana, Turkey

Turkish city in south-central Adana. On the Seyhan River (formerly known as the Sarus River), it is located on the Cilician plain. It is a major agricultural and industrial hub and the fourth-largest city in the nation. It likely sits atop a Hittite site that dates to around 1400 BCE, and its location at the base of the Taurus Mountain passes leading to the Syrian plains has had a significant impact on its history.

Adana Turkey

The Kozan neighbourhood of Adana saw a surge of tourists during the Ramadan Feast. During the Ramadan Festival, the Kozan neighbourhood of Adana gathered nature lovers. The area along the river and citrus groves in Bucak delighted the tourists. Visitors who had the chance to connect with nature while breathing in the scent of citrus fruits were able to briefly escape the pressures of the city and work life.

For a while in the spring, rain fell, turning the neighbourhood green and causing the creeks to roar. Visitors who seized the chance did so by snapping numerous images of the scene.

Bosphorus Boat Cruise Tour – Dolmabahce Palace

It was easy to see in their eyes how happy the visitors were to the area, which resembles an outdoor studio. When visiting his relatives for Eid in Ankara, Muharrem Ahin expressed his admiration for the natural world. He said:

“Our family and I travelled here for Eid. They claimed that Kozan Bucak’s valley is breathtaking. I did not anticipate Adana to have such stunning scenery. It was essential to travel to Kozan. You must visit and see Adana, as it is a wonderland in every direction.”

Nature Lovers Converged to Adana, Turkey

One of the guests, Adile Ahahin, claimed she had travelled from Ankara to visit her sister for Eid and added,

“They take us around during the holiday. We are in a valley of heaven. With its green and blue environment, it is a very beautiful place, he remarked.”

An operator in Bucak named Mehmet Semen said that they had an abnormal density of visitors throughout the holiday. Every day, we receive close to 300 visits. Visitors that seek out the scent of orange blossoms, the coolness of the sea, and the verdant natural beauty of our area are in our area. We are overjoyed. The Ramadan Feast has consumed the entire day.

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