Turkish bath (Hammam) feel better

Turkish bath is what you’re looking for if you want to be impregnated with the authentic ottoman style, you will be amazed by the white marble beauty of the architecture, you certainly have to add this to your “Istanbul to-do list” during your Turkey Tours, it is still commonly used by the locals but it will be such a special experiment for the tourists.

 A short overview of a Turkish bath and what to expect from it

Turkish baths are separated by gender for obvious reasons, once you go to a Hammam session,  there’s a procedure that need to be followed, you need to wrap yourself with peştemal  a (bath-towel) after getting undressed, first and most important step is THE SWEAT!  To get started, you will enter the hot room and relax for 15 to 20 minutes, the purpose of this is getting your body heat up so your skin could get sweaty and prepared to receive the treatment.

Turkish Baths, Turkey Tours Hammam, Turkey Travel store

After that, a therapist will come to you and soak you with warm water, then with a hand-knitted wash cloth begin the scrubbing and remove all the dead skins. Warning, you will be surprised at the amount of dirt that you’d be carrying…just saying! you would not imagined this to happen  throughout your Turkey Tours,  Best part of all comes next: THE BUBBLES! You read right, a rich foaming wash will be covering all of your body to soften the skin and then rinse it all off with cold water, some therapist offers a foam massage as well, however it is totally up to you.

Have a delightful moment and enjoy the benefit of Turkish Bath, To learn more: Click Here

People in the old times had this philosophy behind it that it is like being reborn again, that is why to this day, they managed to maintain this tradition with the same ancient practices.

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