Tourism in Cappadocia Had a Boost

The record number of visitors to Cappadocia, which is listed as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site, was broken in just 8 months, which pleased the industry. The “golden year” during eight months of the year is the number of tourists to the museums and sites in Cappadocia, which stands out for its natural, historical, and cultural resources. Tourism in Cappadocia has reached 2 million 545 thousand 33. Pandemic days before 19. Cappadocia, which draws tourists with its fairy chimneys, valleys filled in natural rock formations, old monasteries carved into the rocks, cave hotels, hot air balloon tours, and numerous activities.


Tourism industry specialists were pleased with the region’s visitor numbers over the same time period this year, which rose by 98 percent when compared to the January-August time frame of last year and reached 2 million 545 thousand 33. According to Talip Aldemir, Chairman of the Association of Turkish Travel Agencies’ (TÜRSAB) Cappadocia Regional Representative Board (AA).

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Aldemir added, “2019 is breaking records,” adding that they had a successful tourism season and anticipated more intense processes in 2023 and 2024 as a result of the broadening market spectrum. We anticipated more guests in 2020. Sadly, Cappadocia was also impacted by the pandemic. According to statistical statistics, 2022 We fell behind 2019 in terms of tourists just like the rest of the globe did.

best of Cappadocia

Pertaining to the tourism in Cappadocia, the following year, we anticipate having Japanese visitors. It’s okay if there is a pandemic somewhere else. We anticipate attracting more visitors from South America, Europe, the Far East, and the Balkans. Its natural formations are what set it apart from other tourist attractions. Beautiful beaches may be found in each of them. Ruins can be found. The natural formation Cappadocia is one of the most unique places in the world that has hosted numerous civilizations despite having been home to various civilizations in many different parts of the world.

According to Muzaffer Büyükbaş, the proprietor of the business that offers travel agency services to domestic and foreign tourists, there has been an increase in travel since the Kovid-19 measures were implemented two years ago, and Cappadocia is one of the most significant tourist destinations in the world. “We are getting close to the end of the year.

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