Salördek Forests Wear Dress of Autumn Colors

With the coming of autumn in Tunceli, the Salördek forests – the best of Turkey, which local locals characterised as the “heart of nature,” took on many colours of orange, yellow, and red, as well as green. Thousands of local and foreign tourists visit the province every season because of its unspoilt nature, which is set among the rugged mountains at an altitude of 940 metres above sea level.

Salördek Forests Wear Dress of Autumn Colors

The Salördek forests, which are located between the Pülmür and Nazimiye districts of the city and are known for their cultural and natural diversity, have gained an eye-catching beauty in autumn with many colours of green, yellow, orange, and red mirrored in nature.

Walnuts, poplars, and oaks that yellow the leaves in the forests, which grab attention with their different beauty in each season, as well as many hues in diverse fruit trees that develop spontaneously in nature, are noticed together. Weekend tourists, in particular, appreciate the autumn landscape and take photographs among the trees while roaming through the oxygen tank forests.

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They reside in undiscovered environment, according to Caner Canerik, a wildlife enthusiast and author who has visited the jungles. According to Canerik, the Salördek forests hamlet are notable for their diversity of vegetation and wild animals. Aside from that, it’s an area with a lot of animals. This is one of the areas where bears, pigs, and anatolian par have been spotted.

Salördek Forests Wear Dress of Autumn Colors (2)

As per Canerik, each tree in Salördek takes on the hue of its surroundings and begins to become yellow, stating:

“This creates incredible beauty. In autumn there is a visual feast brought on by both coolness and plant density. People’s workloads are a little weaker and they can go out and walk around very easily because of the weather. This is where the movement occurs. A lot of people have started coming here from the surrounding provinces in the last few years. There’s really incredible natural richness and visual beauty here.”

Canerik noted that the forest includes a 12-kilometer hiking track and that it is an area where folks who wish to get away from the city’s tension may have a good time.

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