Nature’s Masterpiece: The Lake Tortum Observation Deck

The observation deck built on Lake Tortum offers visitors a mesmerizing experience surrounded by the natural beauty of northeastern Turkey. Situated in the Erzurum province, this elevated platform provides breathtaking views of the stunning lake and its picturesque surroundings. Lake Tortum itself is a large freshwater lake formed by a glacial valley, and its pristine turquoise waters are set against a backdrop of lush green hills and majestic mountains. It’s undoubtedly a unique experience to stand on the Lake Tortum observation deck.

Nature's Masterpiece The Lake Tortum Observation Deck

The International Union of Calm Cities (Cittaslow), which has included Erzurum’s Uzundere neighbourhood in its network of “calm cities,” draws local tourists to the area with its various natural attractions.

Visitors who visit the Lake Tortum observation deck in the Uzundere area can enjoy viewing Lake Tortum from a height of 143 metres thanks to the observation deck’s heat-resistant tempered glass furniture and unbreakable feature. The glass terrace, the first and only one in Turkey with its features, is 12.3 metres long and includes 545 square metres of closed space and 565 square metres of open space.

The fact that some guests at the glass viewing deck choose to walk on the rafters rather than the glass platform is also not disregarded. The glass terrace, which received a sizable number of visitors at the previous Feast of Sacrifice, also provides guests with an intense adrenaline rush.

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Visitors can view the ancient structures in Uzundere, where the Black Sea and Eastern Anatolian climates are experienced, as well as Lake Tortum, which is encircled by steep hills on four sides, from the glass terrace created at the Pirinkayalar Pass. 87 km from Erzurum, Uzundere is one of the most popular tourist destinations thanks to its abundance of different activities and scenic surroundings.

One requirement for visitors coming from Erzurum and Artvin to see the glass viewing terrace is that they take the mountain road rather than the recently opened Pirinkayalar Tunnel.

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