Circumcision Lake: The Elegance of Göynük district

The area of Antalya that is closest to Kemer is the resort town of Goynuk. The sea is clear and exceptionally warm in the summer. There are beaches with large piles of sand, and the seafloor is pebbly. The region has a lovely landscape and a great environment. Numerous attractions can be found both inside the village and nearby, including “Dinopark” Goynuk Canyon, Phaselis City, Paradise Bay, Mount Tahtali, and other noteworthy locations. Villas make up the majority of real estate; apartments are few and far between. Each property is of the highest calibre, and the neighbourhood is getting better. Despite the fact that there are very few homes with sea views, real estate values in the area are ordinary. Let’s discuss Circumcision Lake.

Circumcision Lake

The waters of Sünnet Lake in Bolu’s Göynük district were observed to be beginning to recede. Visitors wishing to spend time alone in nature at Circumcision Lake were disappointed. The air temperatures have recently been higher than the seasonal averages, which has also had a negative impact on water resources. The absence of snow and rain in the area caused the water level in Sünnet Lake, 27 kilometres from Göynük, to start to drop.

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Circumcision Lake The Elegance of Göynük district

Hakan Tekin, who travelled to Bolu for a vacation with his wife and kids to assess the semester break, said, “We came to Bolu to exhibit the children the natural wonders.

“Bolu is a green city with lots of water, yet the ski resort was devoid of snow, and Sünnet Lake had little water. From the water, we can see a lot of land. It’s been a dry year. There are various effects of this. There was no rain or snow. The peaks are not covered with whiteness. I’m hoping that this change in the climate is temporary. Long-term, being thirsty is a major issue. We installed winter tyres and got the heaviest clothing we could find, yet fleece gets the job done. Winter tyres weren’t required. The kids heard about Bolu through us. The temperature is between 10 and 15 degrees, yet we reported there was snow everywhere.”

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