Yildiz Palace Museum Unfolds History

On the Yildiz hill in the Besiktas neighbourhood is where you’ll find Yildiz Palace, the last remaining example of a Turkish Ottoman palace. The 1880 construction of Yldz Palace, often known as the “Star Palace,” was undertaken by Ottoman Sultan Abdülhamid II.

Yildiz Palace Museum Unfolds History

The State Apartments (Büyük Mabeyn), the Ale Pavilion, the Malta Pavilion, the Adr Pavilion, the Yldz Theater and Opera House, the Yldz Palace Museum, and the Imperial Porcelain Factory are all part of the palace complex. The Yldz Palace Gardens are another well-liked public destination among Istanbul inhabitants.

Yildiz Palace Museum

Through the palace gardens, a bridge spans the Bosphorus, joining the Yldz Palace and the Raan Palace. The ale Kiosk or pavilion served as the sultan’s dwelling. The structure is made of a combination of wood and stone, has two stories, and a basement. It was built in three stages. Sultan Abdülaziz constructed the Malta Kiosk, a pavilion in Yldz Park, and used it to imprison his forebear.

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Yildiz Palace Museum

The structure, which became a museum on April 8th, 1994, has a sizable gallery measuring 90 metres in length. According to the images from Sultan Abdulhamid II’s (1876–1909) reign, it is assumed that the structure served as a museum where priceless items were displayed. The artwork on exhibit in the museum is property of the palace; certain pieces were removed from Topkapi Palace. Among the artworks were Sultan Abdulhamid II’s possessions, his carpentry equipment, presents given to him, and then-produced Yildiz Porcelain Factory goods.

Yildiz Palace

Recently, the entire palace underwent restoration and painting. They want to make the palace one of Istanbul’s great palaces by opening up more of its interior. There is a lovely summer home in the lawn as well as a lot of expensive stuff inside the rooms. Keep in mind that the museum is right close to the palace entrance and is included with the same ticket. The palace is somewhat removed from other attractions (after Dolmabahche.) The museum is difficult to reach; you might need to take a taxi or go a considerable distance up the hill.

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