Kusadasi Cruise Port: Gateway to Ancient Marvels and Turquoise Waters

Kusadasi Cruise Port: Kuşadası, an Aegean resort town in Turkey and one of the major cruise tourism centers in the nation, is expecting the arrival of almost one million tourists by sea this year, after what a local port operator official described as a “quite successful” season for the district.

Kusadasi Cruise Port Gateway to Ancient Marvels and Turquoise Waters

Speaking to Anadolu Agency (AA) on Monday, Kuşadası Ege Port General Manager Aziz Güngör stated that in 2023, the district saw the greatest number of ships and passengers ever welcomed by Kuşadası.

According to Güngör, there were 531 cruise ship journeys in the previous year that carried 785,000 passengers; additionally, 680 ferry trips from Samos Island brought in about 135,000 passengers. He underlined that as a result, the goal of 900,000 passengers has been exceeded.

Explaining that the recovery that started in 2022 after the COVID-19 epidemic continued in 2023, Güngör stated that Kuşadası alone accounts for around 50% of all passenger ship and passenger traffic in Türkiye.

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Güngör stated that he anticipated a 15% rise in ship journeys this year.

“We anticipate the arrival of about 560–565 ships. We anticipate 850,000 ship passengers in exchange. We also expect over 150,000 passengers to arrive in the ferry portion, with 850 boat voyages. The Kusadasi cruise port is widely known across the globe. In particular, it is ranked as one of the top 10 transit ports in the Mediterranean.”

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