The Eye-catching Scenery of Erzurum Attracts Tourists

Erzurum is an eastern Turkish city. It is situated at a height of 6,400 feet above sea level in a fertile plain surrounded by towering mountains. Erzurum has been a key economic and military center since antiquity on a caravan route from Anatolia to Iran, and is today a major rail station on the route between Ankara and Iran.

Erzurum turkey

With beautiful flowers and poppies blossoming in spring, as well as Angut birds wandering the lake and its surrounds, Erzurum’s enkaya and Oltu districts became a popular destination for photographers. With the coming of spring, the mountainous and forested regions and plateaus of Erzurum’s enkaya district’s Turnal, Yukarbakraçl, and Gözebaş neighborhoods turned green.

Photographers are drawn to the region’s yellow and scarlet blooms, poppies, rivers and lakes made by melting snow, and angut birds roaming about them. Poppies blooming across a large area in the meadows of Oltu district’s Dutlu Neighborhood provide magnificent sights for photography enthusiasts and visitors.

The eye-catching scenery of Erzurum attracts tourists'

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A drone was used to explore mountain ranges, lakes, forested areas, and bright flowers for photography enthusiasts who visited the district. Murat Kaya, a photography lover, stated they went to the districts with the photographers from Erzurum city center and remarked:

“We met poppies in the districts, we were very happy because of the incredible images. We had the chance to take a lot of photos, I recommend everyone to come here.”

Photographer Ahmet Polat noted that they photographed nature in many districts, saying:

“The poppies that bloom in Oltu and Şenkaya and the nature of the region really fascinate and impress people. We had a great photo safari, it is worth seeing.”

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