Cubucak Forest Camp: The Largest Tent Caravan Camping Area

You will pass by the Cubucak Forest Camp and Caravan Area on the coast of Hisarönü Bay at a distance of 23 kilometres from Mula’s Marmaris neighbourhood to Datça. The region has a diverse forest cover and a 1,000 metre seashore. You are allowed to camp there with a tent and a caravan. The Ubucak Forest Camp, which is open for daily admissions and includes infrastructure for water, power, telephone, internet, and sewer, can accommodate the majority of your daily needs while also allowing you to participate in sports and leisure activities.

Cubucak Forest Camp The Largest Tent Caravan Camping Area

With its surface area and capacity, Cubucak Forest Camp, the largest tent and caravan camping area in the nation, has begun to host its regulars in the Hisarönü Neighborhood of Marmaris district of Mula.

Those travelling from cities like Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Afyon, and Denizli settle in their tents and caravans in the Ubucak Forest and Nature Park, which is the largest tent and caravan area in Turkey and built on a 20.5 hectare land connected to the Directorate of National Parks on the Datça highway, 22 kilometres from Marmaris.

14 Days Turkey and Greece tour

A retired nurse named Nadire Aymergen said she has been visiting Ubucak Forest and Nature Park from Afyon for 17 years.

“After retirement, my husband’s dream was to have a holiday with a caravan. We had friends who came here before, we heard from them and we came. We stay here for 6 months, we stay in our hometown Afyon for 6 months, we dream of coming here in winter.”

Cubucak Forest camp

One of the staying in Cubucak Forest Camp, Aymergen, said:

“We go to the sea in the morning, then we have breakfast, we have neighbors, friends, we have coffee time, we drink coffee. In the afternoon we go back to the sea. At five, we have tea time. We gather with friends and drink tea. Our neighbors, our friendships are very nice. Here, everyone got to know each other well, we got used to each other. More than our children and families, we are here with our neighbors for six months.”

Aymergen, a retired nurse, said:

“Of course, those who want to sacrifice go to the nearby village and share it by taking a nap there and sharing it here. Whoever wants to send money to his hometown and takes a nap there.”

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