Cildir Lake Invites Travelers to Experience its Beauty

The chilly weather caused Cildir Lake surface to start freezing. The freezing of the surface of Çıldır Lake, which is located 959 meters above sea level, was postponed when the air temperatures above the seasonal averages.

Cildir Lake Invites Travelers to Experience its Beauty

The air has dropped to 10 degrees below zero in recent days, causing the lake’s surface to start to ice. This year, the ice on the Cildir Lake surface—where the freezing event began later than usual—has produced some fascinating vistas.

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Declaring that one should visit Çıldır Lake, Fırat Karabağ remarked,

“Every year, we travel to see Çıldır Lake. It began this year, if a little late. Climbing on the glass-like surface of Çıldır Lake brings us great pleasure. Although it’s a touch chilly, this is still really beautiful.”

Sleigh pulled by horses According to Alper Topkaya, the lake’s surface is frozen, but after a week or so, horse-drawn sleighs can visit the lake. Topkaya stated,

“Horse-drawn sleighs are currently waiting on the beach. Our visitors pose for pictures with the horses. Additionally, horse-drawn sleigh trucks will commence when the thickness of the ice increases.”

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