Acarlar Longozu: The Largest Longoz in One Piece in Turkey

The second-biggest longozu in the world and the largest longozu in one piece in Turkey, Acarlar Longozu, ceremoniously welcomed its visitors. In recent years, Acarlar Longozu, which contains more than 200 different types of migratory birds and 2,300 plant species over a 24-kilometer region, has emerged as a must-see tourist destination not only in Sakarya but also throughout Turkey.

Acarlar Longozu turkey

Every season of the year brings a new beauty to Longoz, which is home to lotus and lake tulips, unique vegetation, other tree species, particularly ash, and other bird and fish species. With the arrangements and modifications made, Longoz, which was recently handed to the Sakarya Metropolitan Municipality, has acquired a look that delights those who visit there.

Three endemic plants that are uncommon worldwide may be found in Longoz, which is classified as a first-degree natural site, nature reserve, and wildlife development area. With its walking areas, newly built social facilities, and natural portions where no touch is made, Longoz is on its way to becoming the focus of attention of the entire globe. It has now opened its doors to visitors with its new face.

Acarlar Longozu The Largest Longoz in One Piece in Turkey

Bosphorus Boat Cruise Tour – Dolmabahce Palace

SUBU Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sarbyk, Mufti Hasan Başiş, Nature Conservation National Parks Regional Director Fahrettin Ulu, district mayors, Nigeria’s capital Abuja Governor Abubakar Sani Bello, Metropolitan Mayor Ekrem Yüce, Governor Etin Oktay Kaldrm, and many more took part in the opening. President Yüce, who ceremonially cut the opening ribbon, declared that they are frantically trying to learn more about Acarlar Longozu, the second-largest flooded forest in Turkey and the globe.

Stating that Sakarya is a city with rare beauties, Governor Çetin Oktay Kaldırım said:

“We should congratulate everyone who has contributed to this work. Sakarya is a city with rare beauties in the world. It is necessary to put nature in the first place like a treasure. He is determined to protect his nature in Sakarya. This study shows us this. I congratulate our Metropolitan Municipality”, while Fahrettin Ulu, Regional Director of National Parks, said, “This is the first longoz forest in Turkey as an area. I hope that our municipality will protect and operate this place in the best way for nature lovers. I think it will also contribute to the economy of the region. Good luck.”

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