Top Tourist Attractions in Sultanahmet Square

Sultanahmet Square, also known as Hippodrome Square, is surrounded by prominent landmarks and overlooks the Blue Mosque. In addition, there are other museums, including the Museum of Turkish Islamic Art. Due to its exquisite beauty and vastness, the Sultanahmet district is one of Istanbul’s most recognized tourist attractions, and it is also a popular place to begin tourist journeys. This square, like the ancient peninsula that links to all of the historical structures around it, is a highly impressive tourist location in Sultanahmet district.

The Egyptian Stone Column

The Egyptian Stone Column

One of history’s secrets is the obelisk or stone pillar that was brought from Egypt in 390, and archaeologists have yet to discover and read the riddle of the tablets etched on these pillars. These obelisks can be seen all over the world. From Argentina to Italy, and even Sultanahmet Square, there’s something for everyone! The Egyptian king built this stone pillar in 1450 BC. If you visit this column, you will be standing in front of one of Istanbul’s oldest structures.

Istanbul Archaeological Museum

Istanbul Archaeological Museum Sultanahmet Square

The Istanbul Archaeological Museum houses a significant collection of prehistoric antiquities from Greece, Rome, and Byzantium, which are presented in a stunning manner. The whole Topkapi Palace collection has been moved to the Museum. After touring the museum, take a stroll around Gulhane Park, which was formerly an Ottoman king’s garden. The garden is spread out over large green grounds with flowers, tulips, and tall trees.

Blue Mosque

Blue Mosque in Istanbul The Prints of History (2)

In Istanbul’s Sultanahmet Square, the Blue Mosque is one of the most important mosques and tourist attractions. Sultan Ahmed I built this mosque in the seventeenth century, between 1603 and 1617. The stunning and eye-catching Iznik tiles utilized in the mosque’s interior decor inspired the name. This mosque is a beautiful example of Islamic architecture and one of Istanbul’s most popular tourist attractions. When visiting this mosque, remember to dress appropriately so that you do not have to utilize the mosque’s general covering.

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Serpent Column

Serpent Column Sultanahmet Square

This column was brought to Istanbul from Delphi, Greece, and is one of Istanbul’s most distinctive structures. As a symbol of Greece’s victory over the Persians, this spiral column was built from melted enemy military equipment. This pillar was given to the Delphi Apollo Monument as a gift after the victory in this war to convey their gratitude for this location. Three interwoven snakes with their heads cut off can be found on this blue pillar.

Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia museum

The Hagia Sophia, regarded as one of the outstanding architectural examples in the world, will definitely astonish you both inside and out. It is the eighth wonder of the world, according to the Turks, albeit this claim is a little overdone. In truth, this structure had a nickname during the Roman Empire since it was the world’s largest church at the time. When the Ottomans took over, it was converted into a mosque, and when the Republic of Turkey was established, Ataturk ordered the Hagia Sophia to be turned into a museum for many years.

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