Airport Safety Tips to Follow When You’re in Turkey

Following the terror incident on Istanbul’s Ataturk International Airport on June 28, 2016, which lost 44 lives, some tourists are afraid about travelling, especially abroad. When you add in the often long lines, tight quarters, and security check-in processes that appear to vary at every airport, flight travel becomes an exceptionally frustrating experience, particularly when you’re unmindful of the airport safety tips.

Following the tragic events in Ataturk, some security soul-searching has taken place. TSA airport screening that stretches beyond the typical security checkpoints, all the way back to the terminal entrances has been proposed by some. Indeed, Ataturk Airport security already implements this additional protection, with random vehicle screening and screening at the airport gateway. According to the New York Times, the extra line of defense prevented the Ataturk suicide bombers from getting deeper into the airport, while two of the terrorists were able to enter the terminal due to the panic at the terminal entry.

However, specialists believe there are measures travelers may do to safeguard themselves and, maybe more crucially, to set their minds at peace, particularly while flying through global and regional airports. Let’s now spotlight the most pivotal airport safety tips to keep in mind.

♦ Finalize Your Travel Time Sensibly

airport safety tips

“Avoid traveling at peak times when the check-in and security check lines will be longer. Use the TSA app to determine when the busiest times are (it’s usually Fridays from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.),” states Sylvester to make the airport safety tips crystal clear to everyone.

♦ Travel with less Luggage

Travel with less Luggage

“If you can avoid the bag drop by using carry on and combine that with the self-service check-in you won’t have to queue. Less time in security area,” states Sylvester.

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♦ Limit Your Time in the Security Line

Airport Safety Tips When You’re in Turkey

“Join the pre-screening services offered by the TSA and others. The queues at these fast-track lanes are getting longer but they’re still far shorter than general screening. Wear a jacket to the airport, you can put your coins, keys, cell phone, belt and anything else that needs to be screened into the pockets and place the whole lot on the conveyor belt. You can pick it up on the other side and walk off right away. For the same reason wear shoes that slip on and off easily and liquids and laptops are packed at the top of your carry on so you can easily retrieve them and put them on the conveyor belt,” states Sylvester to guide regarding the airport safety tips.

♦ Mindful of What to Do in an Emergency

Mindful of What to Do in an Emergency

“If in the vicinity of an attack, do not stay to watch what is happening, as you will only get in the way of the emergency services. There is also a risk that additional attacks may occur. Do not run: you may be suspected as the bomber. If you are in a crowd stay at the fringes. Call home and your country’s consulate or embassy to let them know where you are, if you are alright and if you need any assistance,” cautions Sylvester.

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♦ Get to the Secure Side of the Airport

Get to the Secure Side of the Airport

“World Nomads’ advice to anyone traveling anywhere is to check-in and get through to the secure side of the airport terminal as quickly as practicable. Don’t hang around in publicly accessible areas,” states Sylvester.

In a nutshell, these are a few airport safety tips you must ponder over and act upon for your safety as someone is awaiting you at your destination. The aforementioned airport safety tips, of course, are fruitful not only within Turkey but also for international travel.

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